As a general rule, the unique infrastructure, as well as certain structural vulnerabilities of mobile homes, render them incapable of qualifying for normal HOI or traditional homeowners insurance coverage. As a matter of fact, all mobile homes are in a completely different category when it comes to insurance protection. This is a category that they share with their manufactured home counterparts. Please call us at 407-344-1228 or email us at [email protected] for any insurance needs you may have.
Key Differences Between Mobile and Manufactured Homes
Both mobile homes and their manufactured counterparts basically share a common history. This is why it is so easy to be confused when mentioning one or the other.
People have been putting wheels on their homes since the invention of the automobile. Initially, they were called trailers and were pulled behind vans and trucks. Later on, mobile homes started being mass-produced in factories all over the country. And they became very popular amongst people who had a restless spirit and could not be bogged down in one place only. From home trailers, the industry’s focus shifted to mobile homes and that is what they have been called since the late 1940s. They were assigned their own VIN numbers and their owners had access to mobile home financing in much the same way they were able to finance their cars.
However, the lack of availability of mobile home insurance in Kissimmee, FL, amongst other issues led to regularization of such properties and in 1976, the authorities stepped in and decided that formal standards had to be imposed and rigidly maintained.
The quality of these structures was now the same as permanent residences and the same building and living codes were applied to these erstwhile mobile homes as well. And with the change in regularization, came changes in nomenclature. And mobile homes were henceforth referred to as ‘manufactured homes.’ In a nutshell, the term ‘mobile home’ can only be appropriately used if the structure in question had been built before July 15, 1976. However, if its date of manufacture is July 16, 1976, and onward then it will be called a ‘manufactured home’.
Today’s mobile homes are a far cry from the rumbling trailers dating back to the roaring 20s. In fact, these mobile homes are so similar to fully constructed ones. The only difference lies in the premium rates as well as coverage levels of mobile home insurance in Kissimmee, FL, when compared to regular HOI (homeowners insurance) protection.
The Basics of Mobile Home Insurance in Kissimmee, FL.
Mobile or manufactured homes are different from traditional homes. They are essentially portable and do not have a deep foundation. This means a whole lot of difference in insurance coverage.
Certain Special Insurance Considerations Such as Transportation Insurance
One major difference in any mobile home insurance policy vis-a-vis a standard HOI is that you will need coverage whenever you decide to transport your home. Since a traditional home is affixed to its foundations, it does not require any sort of transportation insurance. On the other hand, you cannot integrate mobile home insurance in Kissimmee, FL, with your automobile insurance since the service provider will not allow your car insurance policy to be lumped with your home insurance.
However, moving your house without insurance coverage can easily lead to a lot of potential issues, ranging from lawsuits (in case you inadvertently damage your neighbor’s property) to being sued for road blockage to any damage that your house may sustain during its transportation. You can even opt for trip-collision coverage in case your home is hit by a vehicle while on the road. Here, you will have to ask your insurance provider about the many options available to you and which ones you need when you decide to transport your mobile home from point A to point B. He will best explain your options as well as any special considerations that will be required in your specific case. It is pertinent to note that such coverage is never a part of a standard home insurance policy because a traditional home is not supposed to be moved from place to place.
Pre-Installation Insurance of the Mobile Home
This is another significant difference between a delivered home and a traditional home. Before the home is ‘parked’ at its current location, the land and various utilities have to be prepared and your mobile home insurance in Kissimmee, FL, should cover all these eventualities. There may be no gas, electricity or plumbing connections, thereby rendering your abode completely uninhabitable. If these services are not provided within the acceptable time frame, you will have to spend money while living in temporary accommodation. Your pre-installation insurance coverage may provide you with all such expenses incurred and for the procurement of utilities as long as it is specified in the policy contract. Another key difference is that before the home is delivered, the land may have to be prepared for the mobile home installation.
Here too you should talk to your home insurance representative in order to ensure the best possible protection as well as sound advice on how to go about covering all untoward situations. Apart from that, you should also work with both the mobile home manufacturer as well as utility services providers to expedite the project and complete it as soon as possible.
What Does A Standard Mobile Home Insurance in Kissimmee, FL, Policy Cover?
Your insurance should include the following coverages in order to ensure that you are adequately protected from most eventualities and perils. The term ‘peril’ in insurance parlance usually refers to various hazards and unfortunate events that may be the likely source of potential loss or damage to the insured mobile home.
The Physical Damage Coverage Clause
This clause will pay you in case your mobile home requires repairs that have been caused by untoward events that are already covered by your insurance policy: These generally include the following:
o Fire damage
o Lightning strike
o Heavy falling objects
o Wild or stray animal
o Explosions
o Landslides
o High Winds
o Vandalism
o Hail storms
o The weight of ice and snow
o Burst pipes due to cold weather
Personal Property Coverage Clause
Provided that you have this clause, you will be able to cover the cost of the repair as well as the replacement of your precious belongings. These may include electronic applies and devices, furniture and furnishings and similar articles of a personal nature if they have been inadvertently damaged or even outrightly stolen. However, every time you add a clause, you should do well to remember that it will lead to a direct increase in your annual premium charges, so be mindful of all additions, regardless of what the insurance provider’s representative says to you.
In this respect, the best course of action will be to take inventory of your items so that you will be able to deduce the market price of your stuff, thereby determining the amount of personal property coverage that may be required. For example, your old divan is in a delipidated state and only has sentimental value, then there is no need to include it in the inventory. On the other hand, your highly expensive home theatre system should be included so that you will be paid the full replacement cost if there was a robbery in your house.
Liability Insurance Clause
This is also an important clause that you should include in your mobile home insurance in Kissimmee, FL, policy. Basically, it will pay you for any residual liabilities. For example, you have a visitor in your place and the dining room fan falls on his head. If he sues you and you are not protected, not only will you have to pay for the resulting court case but also all medical costs and any other damages that the court awards to him.
Depending on the insurance policy concerned and the amount of premium you are paying every year, you may also claim other non-standard coverages. For example, additional living expenses that will help to reimburse you in case your home has been rendered unliveable because of a natural calamity and you have to seek hotel accommodation till it is repaired or rebuilt.
Replacement Cost Claims
Replacement cost means that you will be provided with a payment that should be equal to the amount necessary to replace the insured lost items. It allows you to place yourself on the same financial position (with reference to your lost property) that you were in just before your loss. In a nutshell, you will receive the funds required to replace your lost or stolen items at current market value rates rather than the price at which they had been purchased ages back.
When Is It Possible for the Insured Party to Receive Compensatory Payments?
Many people think that items will be replaced by the insurance service provider. However, that is not the case. As the insured party, you will have to purchase the replacement items and then present their bills, cash memos and other documents to the party providing mobile home insurance in Kissimmee, FL. They will evaluate them and if everything is in order, they will release compensatory payments, equivalent to the amount that you have spent to purchase the items.
However, this is entirely dependent on the total size of the loss that you have suffered as well as the maximum limit of your mobile home insurance policy. It is not something as simple as handing over a price list to the insurance company. In fact, you should be prepared to wait a long time while they evaluate not just your claim but also the cost of items that you have purchased.
Sometimes, the insurance company may give you a ‘lump sum’ order in lieu of forgoing all claims for your lost items. You should take that offer into careful consideration before taking any decision.
Matching Siding Endorsement Coverage Clause
When going through the mobile home insurance policy contract, it is always important to take a careful look at exactly what is at stake. There are many clauses that are very important but are ignored in the small print. For example, there is the “matching siding claim.” This type of coverage will mean that you will be able to acquire the exact same siding as the rest of your house in the case of a partial loss. And this holds true even it if it is no longer being manufactured.
As long as you have this clause in your mobile home insurance policy, you can rest assured that you will have the financial resources to get your matching siding, even if the manufacturing company will be charging extra to create this one-off case. This is why it is so important to ask your insurance service provider’s representative for an all coverage option for your mobile home insurance in Kissimmee, FL. It is these little things that are often overlooked but are very important when you have to rebuild or even repair your mobile home after a catastrophic event.
Finding the Right Mobile Home Insurance Service Provider
Most of the major insurance companies and service providers have their own special policy packages and plans for both mobile and manufactured Homes. But before looking for the ideal company, it is a prudent idea to check the mobile home insurance policies of your existing service provider. If they have such a plan already in place, then you can ask them to give you a special discount on their annual premiums since you are their old client. The chances are that they will favor you rather than losing out to a competitor.
In light of the above discussion, we can safely state that mobile home insurance in Kissimmee, FL, is an absolute must for all mobile homeowners. This is because regular homeowners’ insurance generally does not cover the specialized needs of a mobile home.
Please call us at 407-344-1228 or email us at [email protected] for any insurance needs you may have.